- Next ESOP liquidity event to be held in July 2023
- Flags off new Build Your Own Dollar (BYOD) program; all permanent employees can now invest in ESOPs

Swiggy, India’s leading on-demand convenience platform has reached its first milestone as a part of its two year ESOP liquidity Program. As part of the planned ESOP liquidity program in 2022, Swiggy employees will have the option to receive liquidity of up to $23 million against their ESOPs.
Swiggy has announced the next round of ESOP liquidity to be held in July 2023. This enables employees holding ESOPs to create wealth alongside the growth and success of the brand.
Furthering its commitment to its two year ESOP liquidity program, Swiggy has rolled out a new program, Build Your Own Dollar (BYOD) wherein Swiggy employees across the company can choose to invest in Swiggy ESOPs. ESOPs were earlier offered to employees above a certain grade and/ or based on performance. The BYOD program is now open to all permanent employees of Swiggy.
Rewarding employees by creating wealth opportunities is one of our priorities at Swiggy. We are happy seeing the wealth created for employees from the recent ESOP liquidity event, said Girish Menon, Head of HR at Swiggy. Taking this further, we are delighted to now extend the opportunity to own Swiggy ESOPs to all employees through our BYOD program. We are committed to enable every employee to potentially gain from our growth and success.