Tell us, do you think darshinis = masala dosa? Sure, that stereotype is both delicious and true, we think it’s time to scope out all the other hidden gems on the menu.The masala dosa has had its moment. For a tad bit too long, in our opinion. Here’s our round-up on other must try dosas...
The food and beverages industry has thrown up some downright bizarre concoctions over the years. From cauliflower pizzas to charcoal-activated burgers, we’ve seen it all (or so we thought). The latest trend to raise eyebrows? Cheese Tea. We know what you’re thinking – now would be a good time to take back what you said...
The year was 2014. The ice bucket challenge had just taken off. The first-ever Apple Watch was just launched. Game of Thrones had just aired the ‘The Red Wedding’ episode. (The Lannisters send their regards.) And people still had to wait for an absurd amount of time to get their food delivered. (If the restaurant...