Prasanna Venkatesh joined Swiggy in November 2016 and is currently the Director of Design at Swiggy. We are excited to present #ANewSide to Prasanna: the epicurean, versatile, and innovative. Read Prasanna’s story in his words, for he is #MoreThanASwiggster.
Ayushi Johari joined Swiggy in October 2022 and is currently working as Manager - Consumer Insights at Swiggy. We are excited to present #ANewSide to her: free-flowing, artistic, and passionate. Read her story in her words, for Ayushi is #MoreThanASwiggster.
Nancy Nayak joined Swiggy in April 2021 and is currently a Senior Manager - HR (D&I) at Swiggy. We are excited to present #ANewSide to Nancy: the free, adventurous, and kind. Read Nancy’s solo backpacking story in her words, for she is #MoreThanASwiggster.
Shaurrya joined Swiggy in April 2022 and is currently working as an Assistant Manager - Content (DeSo) at Swiggy. We are excited to present #ANewSide to Shaurrya: the perseverant, philosophical, and relatable. Read Shaurrya’s journey in his words, for he is #MoreThanASwiggster.
Goda Doreswamy Ramkumar joined Swiggy in April 2020 and is currently Vice President (Data Science) at Swiggy. We are excited to present #ANewSide to Goda: the dreamy, insightful, and a little filmy. Read her story of giving a new meaning to fandom in her words, for she is #MoreThanASwiggster.
Puneeth Kumar joined Swiggy in July 2021 and is currently a Graphic Designer (DeSo) at Swiggy. We are excited to present #ANewSide to Puneeth: the determined, passionate, and exciting. Read Puneeth's solo backpacking story in his words, for he is #MoreThanASwiggster.