
February 2022
Soorya Sahu, Swiggy’s Account Manager, takes us through what went into helping a business with a great menu reach bigger heights
This document is an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000, and the Rules thereunder as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital...
Needless to say, this Valentine’s Day, like the last one, may be a strange one for many. You may be confined to the four walls of your room, or separated by borders, or just waiting for the one a li’l longer than you hoped to.   You may not be able to celebrate like before with...
When a restaurant brand has a well-curated menu, great brand presence and a product that sells like, well hot pizza, it becomes difficult to take it to another level. But, for Swiggy’s Key Account manager Nikhil Naikpawar, this was just a project he was waiting for. 
Colonel Man Mohan Malik (Retd.) will forever remember the Christmas of 2021 as a time with unexplained miracles! Col. Malik lives in Mumbai. He has served the Indian Army for several glorious years through war and peace and been awarded the Sena Medal for his service to the nation.  “On the evening of December 25th,...

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