Swiggy’s foray into enablement, offers sellers a no-code, zero commission selling solution they can set up in 3 simple steps. Here’s what you need to know!
What do a mum of 4 making pickles in Raipur, a Harvard-bred D2C founder making ayurvedic skincare cool again, and a young resin jewelry maker have in common?
Well, till some time ago, they were struggling to do it all- building a brand, managing multiple sales channels, wrestling with ever-diminishing returns on performance marketing on Instagram, hacking together poorly managed logistics, and paying commissions on top of managing all other operating expenses for the privilege of selling on marketplaces.
They’re on Minis on Swiggy. They own their journeys. They don’t pay ANY commissions!
And they’re thriving!

We’ve seen thousands of home entrepreneurs and small businesses leverage the power of social platforms like Instagram, Whatsapp and their Youtube and Twitter handles to market their products to consumers like never before. Simultaneously, we see the emergence of Indian D2C. A previously niche sector consumed only by affluent Indians has now reached the masses because of the sheer number of affordable brands coming to the fore Everyone is baking, making, creating, and consumers are inundated with choices – they can shop indie, local, personalized, conscious on their own terms.
Unfortunately, today’s online selling channels come with many hurdles. Sellers on marketplaces pay hefty commissions, continuously reinvest most of their profits into marketing to stand out in the clutter and they don’t really know who their customers are. While selling directly to consumers via owned websites and social media channels has solved for some of these concerns, it has led to poor conversions and has also increased the operational load on sellers.
Enter: Minis on Swiggy.
Your store. Your customers. Your profits. Your identity. Your rules.
Minis on Swiggy solves for these limitations by allowing sellers to set up their online store in 3 simple steps. This platform enables end to end management of cataloging, order management, payment, logistics and more. The self-serve platform promises zero commissions and provides sellers the flexibility to choose fulfillment services like logistics and payments from partner’s of their choice. In addition the sellers also have access to customer data along with a powerful chat feature that allows them to interact with users and offer customizations. The rating and review feature allows sellers to receive live feedback on their products which in turn improves credibility and conversions. Minis on Swiggy aims to address the burning issues small businesses face today- Expensive user acquisition, poor retention and conversion, lack of channels to communicate and engage with their customers.

Minis on Swiggy allows brands and sellers from any category (yes! Not just food!) to create their own storefronts in a few easy steps. Download Sell With Minis, log in with your number, set up a store link, set up payments, set up delivery methods, and you’re good to go! With simplified catalog services, single-click order acceptance, integrated shipping and logistics partners, and absolutely zero commissions, Minis on Swiggy gives brands complete control over how they wish to run their business. All this, with ZERO COMMISSIONS!
Yes! You read that right. We don’t charge you to set up a store. We don’t charge you to sell. We don’t charge you to thrive. We succeed with you, not through you. Our goal is to make sure that you do your job- which is to create awesome brands. The rest? We can help you handle.
Don’t believe us?
Hear it from our sellers:
Where are we now?
Minis on Swiggy made a quiet entry onto a few Swiggy accounts since June, but we’re ready to welcome consumers across India now! We’ll be rolling out access in the next few months, and we’re so excited to hear your feedback. Now, since you’ve stuck around to read till here — how about a sneak peek? Click here.
Do you run a brand and think Minis on Swiggy could help supercharge your selling journey? Check out mini.store for all the information you need to get started!
(Psst! Love a brand and can’t find them on Minis? Tell us and we’ll get them onboarded for you!)
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