Your Swiggy delivery executive will make an extra earning as you return the bags.
1 month into the pilot, 3 lakh Instamart cloth bags are reused. Our target is to reach 20 Lakh bags per month by the end of the year.
When we launched Swiggy Instamart in 2020, we knew that as a quick commerce grocery delivery service, there will be millions of orders every month. Today Swiggy Instamart is on every customer’s speed dial.
To deliver our Swiggy Instamart orders, we launched free-of-cost, reusable bags that are sturdy, maintain product privacy and have quirky designs and creatives. We’ve spotted them being used for all sorts of purposes including travel, gifting and as the bazaar wala shopping bags.

We bagged love from our customers.
We got a lot of customer love for the bags and for Instamart. As the adoption of Instamart grew, so did the number of bags out there.

We know customers have been hoarding too many of these and don’t know what to do with them. Keeping this in mind, we are introducing a DIY to return the extra Instamart bags lying idle at home. This is live across 19 cities today.
How it works: Bags get a SPA treatment
The next time you have an Instamart delivery you can return your extra bags through the Swiggy delivery executive.
Once you return the bag, the Swiggy delivery executive will bring it to the Instamart store the next time they are there for an order. After a quality inspection, the bags will be Sanitized, Product Refurbished and then Actively used for future orders.
Delivery executives make an extra earning
You can make a difference by decluttering your house today- get those Instamart bags out and ready to return. Help us REUSE the bags, and REDUCE the use of more new bags. Swiggy will also incentivize all our delivery executives who bring the bags, helping them contribute meaningfully and also be rewarded with extra earnings. Think of it as a way for you to tip them for bringing you your orders.
Vikram, a Swiggy Instamart customer from Gurugram holds the record for returning the maximum bags. 300 to be precise. Calling all the Vikrams out there to de-clutter, return and help us reuse!
Hanumanthappa T, our delivery executive from Bangalore has made an additional earning of Rs 1250 in the last month and is our very own return; reuse and reduce superhero.
Some ground rules
We only ask that the Instamart bags you return are clean and intact so that once sanitized, the next customer receives a bag that’s as good as new. We are trying everyday to create awareness among our delivery executives as well. We request your patience and participation in helping them. If they are at your doorstep and unaware of this policy, do help explain, and go ahead and return.
Share your experience, help us improve
Your feedback is valuable to us, and we always love hearing from you about your experience whether good or bad. Let us know how it felt.
- Returning those piles of bags that were gathering dust and occupying space
- That sweet realization on your small but tangible step in contributing towards a sustainable future by promoting and practicing reusing
- That happy feeling, knowing that the delivery executives will get rewarded for it
P.S- Swiggy continues to explore more sustainable packaging options for the future. Stay tuned!
Author Bio
Priyanka Praveen leads content for Swiggy's Employer and Talent Branding team. She comes with 11 years of writing experience having worked for Indian and International news organisations. She loves story-telling, is an avid embroidery artist and a wannabe baker.