
If you ask us, momos are the best food invention since sliced bread.  And if you ask a local from Gurgaon, a steaming plate is as essential as daily coffee.  Since stepping out for momos hasn’t been the easiest thing to do lately, we got Swiggy Genie to help us with our momo-discovery-itch. Once you’re...
If the left side of your brain is constantly telling you to choose between a pair of socks or a coffee mug for Secret Santa, it’s official! Your right brain has lost creative control. But don’t stress out. Because Swiggy Genie can help you with some refreshingly original and extremely fun gift ideas for your...
In March this year, as many countries announced various degrees of lockdown and safety measures, India too announced a nation-wide lockdown for three weeks. With COVID-19 cases surging during this period individuals and businesses across the country were severely impacted. Businesses of all sizes, across industries suffered the impact of the lockdown as all non-essential...

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