
All delivery partners on Swiggy get insurance benefits like accidental coverage, accidental death, accidental OPD, loss of pay and free, on-demand ambulance service. 
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Here’s how one woman and her partner are making the city of Chennai sweeter every single day.
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How does a decades old brand continue to grow even today? Cafe Niloufer’s director marketing, Sreeja talks about the growth with Swiggy
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Starting March 12, Swiggy will deliver to passengers travelling via Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada
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How Swiggy helped a 60-year-old sweetshop foray into the online food business. What does six decades of making Delhi a little sweeter look like? Ask Anupama Sweets and Snacks and they will show you.  Over 60 years, countless orders and millions of customers, the challenges evolved as the brand grew. This is the story of...
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Discovering the memorable orders and trends across India on New Year’s Eve 2023.
From a customer who ordered 207 pizzas in a single day, to 271 cakes being Swiggy’d per minute on Valentine’s Day, Indians show that in 2023, Swiggy hai to sahi hai If you’re reading this, chances are you already love Swiggy (don’t blame you; we are🤌), but as the year winds down, it’s time to...
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Swiggy’s National Accounts Manager, Gaurav Khullar, shares how his love for solving problems connected him to the company.
National Program Manager, Parin Shah highlights his memorable moments at Swiggy.
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